College can be a very exciting time for anyone since it signifies the start of a new life of independence. Gone are the days when the assistance of mom and dad is near at hand. College means being able to get by on your own despite occasional setbacks. Stability is key in having a good life ahead which is why students should learn to handle their finances at an early age. Students should graduate from the regular savings account to getting another account such as People’s United Bank Student Plus Checking.

All About People’s United Bank

People’s United Bank is a retail and commercial bank that provides financial management and wealth services to its clients. Its total asset base as of today is $28 billion with 416 retail locations in the major states of the nation. Some of its retail franchises are in New York, Vermont, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and a lot more. People’s United Bank is a well-diversified institution that is community based, serving people from different classes. They do not choose their customers but customers choose them instead. People from all over the nation really do trust this bank especially with regards to their finances.

Indeed, they do not choose who to serve since one of the major services they offer involves students. They have the Student plus checking account that is somewhat similar to a free checking account. This is a good choice for students because this kind of checking is free until the account owners will graduate or when the 48th month ends after they have opened the account. This is available to full-time students in college that are willing to budget what they actually have. The features of this checking includes free use of ATMs at People’s United Bank, the first orders of checks are also free, and free four ATM transactions to other banks. Telephone banking is also free as well as the bills bay and online banking.

With so little in charges and so much in benefit, People’s United Bank Student Plus Checking Account serves to be one of the best checking accounts any student can get.