Mortgage rates are of primary importance when deciding to purchase a new property. This determines your monthly payments several years down the road. For those who use mortgages on a commercial scale, mortgage rates also determine the length of your ROI or basically your net income every month. For those who need to get the most affordable rates, then Quicken Loans may be the institution to give you that. With the right mortgage rates, your housing and commercial needs will be made more affordable.

About Quicken Loans

Quicken Loans is one of America’s biggest online lenders according to the National Mortgage News. They have helped and assisted a lot of American families from all over the nation. They have been in business for the past 27 years and they continue to stand strong today. In 2011, they funded around 30 billion dollars in loans which is a record in their company. And lastly, they ranked top in highest customer satisfaction for loans and mortgages. Indeed, they do not just offer the best rates but the best mortgage services people can find in this nation.

Mortgage Rates

As of today, the rate for their 30 year fixed mortgage is 3.50% with an annual percentage rate or APR of 3.723%. Those who want the shorter term which is the 15 year fixed, the APR is 3.239% and an interest rate of 2.75%. And the 7 Year ARM with a rate of 2.625% and an annual percentage rate of 3.219%.

These rates are surely competitive and with the kind of service that they give, consumers can expect the most out of their mortgage.

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