Frequent Flyer Credit Cards allow you to earn reward points for every dollar you spend, which can be traded in for free or discounted flights, flight upgrades, hotels, car rentals and a whole slew of other travel related benefits.
Many credit companies will give you double the reward points if you purchase with their specific airlines. So if you travel a lot it may be wise to determine which airline you travel the most on and get a frequent flier credit card which partners with that airline.
Frequent Flier Credit Card Options
- Airline Credit Cards – Many airlines have their own credit cards which you can use to earn points towards future flights or travel arrangements with them. If you fly a lot with one specific airline this may be a great option for you.
- Group Airline Credit Cards – Some credit card companies have partnered with many airlines to offer you flexibility in choosing an airline to fly on.
- Travel Rewards Credit Cards – Take your rewards beyond just the sky and use them on hotels, cruises, car rentals, shows and many other travel related pleasures.
If used to their max, frequent flier credit cards can reward you with nearly completely paid for vacations (at least the major expenses).
Sometimes credit companies will offer bonus points as an incentive to sign up. You can earn thousands of points right from the first purchase which can typically be traded in immediately.
Frequent Flier credit cards often have annual fees. If you do not use your rewards often enough sometimes it is not worth paying the annual fee. Be sure to analyze your situation and determine if paying such fees will end up costing you money or saving you money down the road.
Be sure to read the terms of the credit card carefully to be sure there are no other “hidden” aspects of the credit card, and also to learn of all the ways you can maximize your rewards.
Are you a small business owner?
A Small Business Credit Card with travel rewards may be a perfect fit for your travel needs. Often times your business will earn many many more rewards points then you personally can with a consumer rewards credit card.
See the Best Frequent Flyer Credit Cards for 2011