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Archive for Personal Finance

When it comes to your personal budget, the best way to be successful is to make data entry and keeping track of your every purchase as simple and easy as possible. The days of excel spreadsheets and entering every card transaction by hand are done, welcome to the world of

This program offers the most simple and efficient method for the individual or small business owner who is serious about budgeting and wants to track their spending in an effort to save. In a few easy steps, using Mint, you will be able to view all your income and purchases instantly, linking all accounts, for an accurate and up to date view of your current financial situation.

Having your information all in one place helps you to better be able to strategize your spending and saving. Nothing has made this easier than; here is how to use it.

Set Up

During this first stage of setting up your Profile, you will be given information from all of your personal finance accounts linked to your Mint account. The information from each one of these will go back up to a year and will be used to help to track your spending and will be what you use to create your budget.

During this initial set up, you will need to take the time to categorize your spending and label it accordingly. Mint will automatically assign purchases to different categories based on the type of business conducted, you then have the option to go in and sub-categorize and get more specific with the details attached to each account. The more specific you get, the better you will be able to see where exactly you are spending the largest chunks of money, where you can cut down and which items can be used as deductions from your taxes. It is all there, present in the details.

Creating Budgets              

Mint will automatically generate a few default budgets for you based on the categories you have selected and your spending history. Once you take a look at these, you can decide if you would like to change them in any way to include more subcategories, or exclude ones as well. You can customize these budgets any way you want simply by using the edit details feature. You can also create new budgets as well, as many as you like to track all areas of your spending.

Once you have your budgets created, you should be able to step back and let do the rest for you. Every purchase you make using your cards or PayPal, excluding cash of course, will be automatically updated in the system and tracked in your budget to keep all information current. As you progress monthly, so will your trackers, changing from green to red as you get close to your allotted amounts, or overspend. At the end of the month, you will be given the option to roll over any unspent amounts to the next month. Again, you have the ability to customize your account any way you like.


Once you have all of your initial set up completed and all your desired accounts have been linked in, and your budget is set, you can have the software email you an alert for a number of different reasons. You may want to be notified if you go over budget, or you spend more than is usual for you in a certain category. You can customize this however you like as well to receive as many or as few notifications about your account. This can be particularly helpful in a society that for the most part, does not write each purchase in a balance anymore. You can be aware if your accounts are too low and avoid unnecessary fees associated with overspending.

Stay Connected

If you have an iPhone, you can download the app for free and manage your accounts in the palm of your hand, anywhere on the go. The app has most of the features that you find online and you can add or subtract accounts and edit information from just about anywhere. The app also has special tips for it’s users, based on your spending, you may receive suggestions on how to save money in different areas, tips on consolidating debt and reducing your overall spending in general areas.

The app also allows you to view new alerts and information as it is updated to your account and offers to send you push notifications in many different instances, again, these options are also up for customization.

Jennifer Ricci works with students and their student loan questions for Cedar Education Lending. When not talking with a student she finds time to write personal finance articles for some of her favorite blogs.

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15 Interesting Ways to Save

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

For most of us, savings can be elusive if we don’t put it in our heads to do so. Most of the time we end up realizing that our savings just isn’t enough to cover emergencies, extra investments, and even the holiday travels that we’ve always wanted to have. So what can we do to start saving more? Below are 25 creative ways to save that can encourage us to keep tucking away that extra cash. Before you know it, your savings account will be growing in no time.

1. Place a piggy bank in several areas of the house. Whenever you find a stray coin in the laundry, on the floor, in a pants pocket, and so on, immediately put it in your piggy bank and deposit the money when it gets full.

2. Make it a resolution not to spend small bills. For example, if you decided on saving $5 bills, whenever you come across one in your wallet, don’t spend it. Tuck it away safely and watch it turn into $100 or more.

3. Don’t bring around too much cash. Having less cash in your wallet will prevent you from buying unnecessary things such as sodas or junk food. Plus, people are naturally more cautious when they have to swipe the purchase off debit.

4. Buy used stuff instead of new ones. There’s a lot of secondhand goods milling around that are still in superb condition. Take advantage of online selling platforms and scout around for the best deals.

5. Save on energy and you’ll save on money. Be sure to turn off those lights and turn down the heating, and your electricity bill won’t be so high either.

6. Shop after the season. You’ll be surprised how cheap things can be when January comes. That’s when year end sales and post holiday promotions come out. Buying things such as Christmas decor and saving them for next Christmas can save you a whole lot.

7. Every time you take cash out of an ATM, place the same amount in your savings account.

8. For every dollar you spend on bills, save at least half of the amount. It can be difficult, but it’s a quick way to fatten up your savings.

9. Encourage everyone in the family to save. You can do this by creating a competition such as “the first one to fill up his piggy bank will be relieved from washing the dishes for a month”.

10. Take advantage of coupons.

11. Steer clear from unnecessary and expensive purchases such as that mocha frappe in Starbucks.

12. Save on exercise. Instead of going to the gym, why not sign up in a local community college, or maybe jog to work?

13. Take care of your stuff. The more you maintain the good condition of your things, the less you will spend on buying replacements.

14. Be creative with your wardrobe. Instead of buying something new every month, why not discover how you can wear each piece differently? For example, you can wear that skirt as a tube top, or you can pair off the skirt of a dress with a cute blouse. Yes, it can work.

15. Save money on home entertainment by watching videos online instead of renting.

These tips do not only save you money, but they are also very doable as well. Anyone with discipline and a sense of fun can play around with these techniques to save more.

Should You Swap Debit for Credit?

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

Just recently Bank of America announced that they would soon be charging a $5 monthly fee for the use of their debit cards. Aside from BofA, Chase and Wells Fargo are also currently testing the market for a planned $3 fee. The reason behind the change are the new federal regulations on how much banks can charge retailers for accepting debit card purchases. These regulations seriously impair the ability of banks to make money from their debit cards. And according to BofA CEO, “Banks have the right to make a profit”. Which brings us to the introduction of debit card fees.

Rumors have it that these banks are secretly hoping that consumers would altogether ditch their debit cards and start charging their purchases with their credit cards. At this time there are no restrictions as to how much banks can charge retailers for accepting credit card payments, giving them the opportunity to earn more. The question now is: should you should start swapping your debit card for a credit card?

First of all, it is important to remember the nature of credit cards. Unlike debit cards wherein you’re only allowed to spend the money that you already have, credit cards give you the liberty to charge within your credit card limit, which may be much more than what you can afford to spend. For those who have the ability to control how much they charge, using a credit card instead of a debit card may be feasible, but for those who “don’t trust themselves” with it, it may be better off to just pay the $5 fee than to find yourself charging a hundred dollars more than usual.

Using credit cards for your usual purchases isn’t a bad idea if you can also discipline yourself to pay the full amount as soon as it’s due. It is also recommended to keep a different credit card for emergencies to keep your daily expense account separate from large purchases. Using credit cards such as Chase Blueprint which allows consumers to pay off smaller incidentals with no interest is also helpful.

One advantage of using your credit card instead of debit is the possible rewards you can get such as cash backs or mileage. Getting a card that offers rewards can be an added bonus to your usual shopping experience.

With the impending debit card fees, would you still use your debit card? Or is it time to switch to credit?

How To Check Your Credit Score

Friday, October 7th, 2011

Keeping abreast of your credit score is not only a practical move against potential fraud, but it also keeps you aware of your credit standing in case you want to take on a loan in the future. We all know that a good credit score will also mean lenient interest rates, which is why it is highly important to take note of your credit score regularly.

Getting Your Credit Report

There is only one website where you can get a copy of your three credit reports. You may download your credit report annually at This is the only website that offers this service as it is mandated by law.

The credit report includes details of your credit accounts, debt balances, and payment history. However, the report will not show you your credit score. The credit score is what lenders will use to check your credit worthiness. However, getting your annual report will allow you to see any discrepancies, giving you time to report any mistakes before you get a loan.

Obtaining Your Credit Score

One place where you can get your credit score is CreditKarma. This website provides a monthly tracking of your credit score plus tools to help you understand your credit health. The site offers their services for free, unlike other websites which may charge you with other services. Some websites attract you to a free credit score but may consequently bill you about $15 per month for either credit monitoring or protection. If you need constant access to your credit report and scores, credit monitoring may be useful. However, there really is no need to pay for the service if you just want to get an estimate of your credit score.

Tips to Remember

Checking for your credit report or credit score will not cause your credit score to go down. Websites such as CreditKarma and will ask for your Social Security Number in order to verify your identity. When using other sites that offer credit score services, be sure to check the authenticity of the site. Websites that ask for your credit card number may also attempt to charge you monthly fees for credit protection or credit monitoring.

Running through your credit report annually and checking your credit score will not take too much of your time. However, doing so will help you save a lot of dollars in the future when you do finally plan to make that loan.

What Comes First? Saving or Paying Off Debt?

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

This is probably one of the most popular personal finance dilemmas. Indeed there seems to be no straight answer when it comes to the decision of paying of your debts first or setting some money aside for savings. Naturally, there are two sides to the argument and in order for you to decide what you should be doing, it’s best to see what each side has to offer.

Weighing the Options

Pitting savings over debt repayment can sometimes be a matter of opportunity cost. If you don’t pay off that debt just yet, what can you do with the money that can override the interest you’re gaining for every month you fail to pay?

Credit card
interest rates are among the highest rates when it comes to personal loans. The average credit card interest rate is around 16.8%. Having that figure, think about what kind of investment vehicle your money is already in, and if it beats that 16.8% rate. If your money is just stuck in a savings account that offers a mere 1% interest, then you’re obviously losing money by failing to pay off your debt.

On the other hand, if your current debt is a home refinance mortgage at a rate of 3-4%, plus you happen to be financially adept at certain investment vehicles, then you would know that there are areas where you can place your money for it to grow at a higher interest rate. This doesn’t mean defaulting on payments, but rather just paying off your mortgage slowly while keeping the rest of your money invested in higher return vehicles.

Planning for Emergencies

Other opinions say that paying off debt before establishing an adequate emergency fund is just completely pointless. The moment you fall into a financial crisis, you’ll eventually end right back into that debt hole. This is a completely practical notion, and for those who haven’t established even a small amount of savings should probably do so first. The trick is to save about 6 months worth of expenses and to keep it in a liquid account, so that in case anything goes wrong, you’d have enough to cover your expenses without having to borrow money again.

So what should you do first then? Save or pay off debt? Well the answer does somewhat lie in relation to your current situation. Think about what you will be losing, and what you will be gaining, should you choose one option over the other. Ideally, it its possible to do so, doing both at the same time would probably be the best solution. In that way, you’d be hoarding less in interest, while creating an emergency fund for yourself when needed.

How to Have Multiple Streams of Income

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

Gone are the days when it was perfectly good advice to “graduate, get a stable job with benefits, and buy a home”. Now that we enter into a new generation, professionals of all ages are finding that a stable job just isn’t enough to cover our needs up until retirement. So what would be the best strategy to ensure we live the good life until our old days? The new answer is this: build multiple streams of income.

This mantra is now spreading widely among the financially savvy, and wise investors are looking for different ways to diversify their portfolio. The theory behind it is that even if you lose one business or investment venture, there will be others to back you up. If you already have some capital to get started, here are some avenues where you can start your trickle of money, until it becomes a raging waterfall.

1. The Stock Market

Wallstreet has always been a place loaded with cash. However, it is well reputed for its volatility. There are however, strategies other than day trading that can help you ride the waves of the market. Long term investing, or dollar cost averaging is only one of the techniques. Right now, the economy is at a slump, bringing stock prices low. This could be the perfect opportunity to buy stable companies whose share prices will eventually go up once the market recovers.

2. Real Estate

This is probably one of the best sources of passive income. Although it requires a large amount of capital, you don’t really have to pay the whole amount of the property in order to make a profit. What you need to do is have enough for a down payment, put the rest of the amount on a mortgage, then place the property for rent at a monthly rate that’s higher than the mortgage you are paying. What happens here is that you can collect a rent that can pay off the bank mortgage, while leaving the rest as extra income for you.

3. Food Stall Franchises

Large fastfood franchises such as McDonalds or KFC might prove to be a little too much for us everyday individuals. However, there are some small food stall franchises that are not only affordable, but are easy to run as well. What’s good about franchising is that it already has a business system set up. Usually, an effective system is what separates a successful business from a failing one. Plus, the franchisor will also teach you how to run the business. Franchises are also generally designed to operate without you having to be present day in and day out, making it a good source of cash without taking up too much of your time.

4. Blogging and Internet Marketing

We are now living in the generation of technology. The world’s newest billionaires are those that deal with information technology. Today, everyone can take advantage of the Internet by blogging or marketing and if you get it right, these little websites could easily churn in cash for you continuously.

5. Mutual Funds and Certificates of Deposits

If you happen to be a busy executive and you don’t have time to run even a part time business, then you may want to consider investing your money in stable arenas such as mutual funds or CD’s. These investment vehicles may not give as big returns as the previous three, but these require the least attention and are also considered to be the safest places to invest in. CD’s also give a fixed return of your money, so you know exactly how much you’ll be getting by the end of the term.

There are other ways to earn money without having to get a second job. Learning about different investment strategies and figuring out which one is best for you can help you establish multiple streams of income and allow you to retire earlier and do more with your money.

What is the Best Credit Card After Bankruptcy?

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

In today’s economy many people are faced with the difficult decision to declare bankruptcy (BK).  Many people have no other option and it was circumstances they could not control which forced them into the bankruptcy.

If you have been through bankruptcy because of job loss, medical bills or some other reason try to not let it get you down too much.  It is a difficult time, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  You can not only rebuild your finances, but you can flourish.

[See below for cards you may qualify for after your bk.]

Can I get a credit card after bankruptcy?

The short answer is yes.

The long answer is this.  Lenders and banks are always very hesitant to lend to a consumer with a bankruptcy on their record.  That consumer is considered high risk, and instead of taking that risk many companies will simply deny you.

You may ask “Then how do I get a credit card after bankruptcy?” or “What card can I get?”

There are credit cards that are made specifically for high risk situations.

Most credit cards are what is called unsecured debt. This means there is no collateral backing up the debt you acquire.  Even if you do not have $10,000 in the bank you can still rack up $10,000 of debt.  This is a typical credit card, right?

A secure credit card on the other hand does have collateral backing it up.  For example, if you deposited $300 the lender would give you a credit card with a $300 dollar limit on it.  You could use the card like any other credit card and when you close the card the deposit is used to pay off the remaining balance.  The remaining deposit money is returned to you.

A secure credit card dramatically reduces the risk to the lender and the best option after a BK is often a secure credit.

If you can qualify for an unsecure credit card, that is great as well.  The best CC to rebuild credit after a bankruptcy is whatever card you can get that reports to the bureaus.  Remember to keep these tips in mind though.

Things to keep in mind when applying for credit cards after bankruptcy

The majority of secure credit cards have fees associated with them.  Expect to pay some sort of fee to use a secure credit card.

Using a well-known financial institution is recommended.  There are a lot of people out there trying to take advantage of folks after bankruptcies.  They are easy targets because their options are limited.  Using a well-known financial institution will help you not get ripped off.  Remember the easiest card to get is not always the best.

Be sure the lender issuing you the card will report your activity to the credit bureaus.  Some companies do not report secure credit card information.  If they do not report your activity the card means nothing.

How long after my bankruptcy until I can get a Credit Card?

Many times you can get a card right after.  It is going to depend on what type of card you apply for and if the lender approves you.

Applying for a credit card after bankruptcy is easy.  Here is a great option you may qualify for.

Best Credit Card to Apply for After Bankruptcy

Retirement Planning Tips for People Over 40

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

You’re still in your 20′s, you’re young, fresh, and ready to take on the world. With your first job paying you a decent salary, you decide to spend it all and worry about the future later. Then, you’re in your 30′s, you start having a family and expenses suddenly go up, you think, there’s still lots of time to save for retirement. Then you’re in your 40′s and that’s when you realize… gulp. You should’ve started saving for retirement a long time ago.

With the baby boomers nearing retirement, this scenario can be oh so familiar. For those who are in their 40′s and don’t have a retirement plan yet, don’t worry, there’s still time to make a difference. Below are some retirement saving tips that will make sure you live a comfortable life even when you’re 80.

Being Financially Responsible

The first step is learning to understand your finances. If you haven’t developed a budget for your expenses, then it’s about time you make one. Having a budget can allow you to keep track of where your money goes. This also gives you an insight as to how much you need to live on for the next couple of years. Having a budget can also allow you to make smart decisions on where you can cut down on expenses so you can put more to your retirement account.

Saving and Investing

When saving for your retirement, it doesn’t mean just putting your money away in the bank. Given the limited time you have left, it’s best to invest your cash in safe but still competitive vehicles that will optimize the interest your money can earn without fear of losing it at the time you need it. Starting a retirement plan such as a 401(k) or a 403(b) would be a good place to start. To allow diversity, mutual funds would also be a good place to invest in. Read about the top performing mutual funds in the country and choose a company that is known for its reputation over expected growth. Another area to invest in would be in high interest certificates of deposit.

Implementing Measures

Saving for your retirement late can have obvious consequences such as having to sacrifice more on your present living conditions. To achieve your retirement goals, it would be realistic to cut down on expenses that aren’t really necessary such as passing on that Starbucks cup. Having an extra $100-$200 directed to your retirement account would help a whole lot once it accumulates. Other places to cut expenses would be disconnecting the cable service, using fans instead of air conditioners, and perhaps doing the laundry yourself.

In some cases, even cutting down on these little expenses still won’t allow a comfortable retirement. In that case, it’s time to think about reducing your lifestyle expenses significantly such as moving to a smaller home, trading that expensive car that chugs gasoline like a camel for a more economic vehicle, or even moving to a smaller city with a low cost of living.

Finally, when all else fails, retiring in a third world country with a weaker currency can also be an option since the value of the dollar can buy you a more luxurious life there. After all, the tropics is the ideal place to retire with all the beaches and the comfortable weather throughout the year. Just make sure to bring your partner with you to avoid loneliness.

How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

Many of you ended up on this article because you are saying, “I want to pay off my credit cards.  I need to learn to manage my money and get rid of this debt.” Well you are in the right place.  Teaching you some simple steps to clear credit card debt, or at least how to reduce it, is the goal of this article.  Even if you are facing dire situations like bankruptcy hopefully we can show you how to eliminate credit card debt legally and without bankruptcy.

Credit card debt is a problem that has gotten out of hand in America.  Millions of people are faced with the issue of how to pay off credit cards.  The good news is that paying off credit cards is not rocket science.  There are simple things you can do to learn how to get out of credit debt.

Remember the Goal

When trying to pay off credit card bills the goal is not always speed.  Paying off credit cards fast is enticing, but for most of you it probably took a lot of time to get into debt.  We will discuss how to pay off credit cards quickly, but I want to let you know that is not the goal.  The goal is paying off credit cards, whether that takes two weeks or two years, let your mindset not be speed, but credit card debt elimination.

Credit Card Debt Problems

First we are going to look at some problems people face with debt.  The most common problem with high credit card debt is over spending.  Someone racks up high amounts of unpaid credit card bills and owes far more than they feel they can pay.  Often time’s excessive debt leads to the second problem which is not being able to make the monthly payments.  This leads to your credit score being negatively affected and can then lead to credit card debt collection.

Many times the start of the issue is in college when students use their student credit cards to rack up debt, rather than paying with cash or paying off their monthly bill.  People are still paying for a taco they bought 15 years ago.  They never learned how to manage their financial situation and the snowball effect takes hold.  Before long the debt load seems too much to handle and drastic measures need to be taken.

Credit Card Debt Solutions

There is no ‘best way to pay off credit cards’.  Everyone has a different situation which means there are different solutions for getting rid of your debt.   Here are some solutions to consider.

Start from the Bottom

If you make the minimum payments on your credit cards you may never erase your credit card debt.  The start from the bottom method starts with the card with the lowest balance.  Start applying extra principle payments until it is paid off.  Now take the minimum payment from that card, plus the extra principle you were paying and apply all that extra money to the next smallest card.  Repeat the process once the second card is paid off.  Now you can add that minimum payment to what you were already paying.  Each time you reach a credit card payoff you have more money to apply to the next card and you spend nothing more each month.  This method has helped thousands of people pay down their debt. The major key to this method is the credit card user must stop overspending and stop using their credit cards.

Start from the top

This strategy follows the same concept as the start from the bottom method, but instead of focusing on the low balance cards first you focus on the cards with the highest interest rates.  If you lower your credit card debt starting with the highest interest you will save more money in interest payments sooner.  Once you pay off the highest interest card, move onto the next card using the payment from the first card you paid off as extra principle.

Credit Card Debt Reduction

Both of these strategies will help you pay down your balances with the least amount of extra money spent each month.  They may take some time, but the more time you put into these methods the faster they will start snowballing and soon you will reduce your credit card debt to zero.

Credit Card Debt Consolidation

A debt consolidation program is a process in which you use one card or loan to pay off the rest of your cards.  You will take all the credit cards you have and consolidate them into one.  If you have high interest on your debt, then a consolidation to a lower interest rate could save you money.

If you decide to consolidate your credit card debt there are a few things you should be wary of.  If you continue your bad credit card habits a consolidation will only make things worse.  The best practice is to never use the credit cards you paid off again.  It is also wise to reapply any money you save monthly back into the principle of the new consolidated debt in order to pay it off sooner.

You can do free debt consolidation on your own, or if you feel you need assistants there are consolidation services you can use.

0% Interest Balance Transfers

If your credit score is not trashed, then you might qualify for a 0% balance transfer from one of your credit card companies.  Usually these balance offers last between 6 months to 21 months and can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in interest alone.  This is a better way of consolidating your own debt without using a debt consolidation company and will also save you money on their fees.  The card company you go with will most likely charge you a minimum of 3% of the total balance transferred.

For instance, if you wanted to consolidate $20,000 in debt from 3 credit cards into 1, you would write each credit card company a check for the full amount owed. These checks are usually sent with the credit card offer or you can also send payments over the Internet.  Once the payment is received and the debt transferred to your new 0% interest credit card, you will be charged the 3% fee. This fee would equal $600, on $20,000 of debt, but the interest you will save over 21 months can be thousands of dollars.

Your plan for the next 21 months (or however long your 0% interest transfer last), is to pay off as much of your debt as possible. Since all of your payments are going straight to the principle amount, it might be enticing to keep using your other credit cards.  This is where many people fail and only dig themselves deeper into debt.  If you are serious about paying off your debts, then you need to get rid of the rest of your cards.

Negotiating Credit Card Debt 

What if you are in a situation that you are unable to even make your minimum payments?  There are still solutions for you.  One solution is to negotiate your credit card debt to see your balances reduced.  Negotiations are done through a debt settlement company. Negotiating your debt should never be your first option.  Here is a good list to see if this process is right for you.

  • Are you unable to make your payments for at least 3 months?
  • Did you lose your job and have little to no income?
  • Have you had a medical emergency?
  • Are your creditors threatening you with a lawsuit?
  • Is a collection agency harassing you?
  • Will paying off debt slowly or consolidation not work for you?
  • Are you ready to file bankruptcy?

Before a settlement company will start the credit card negotiations they will determine if you need help paying off your credit cards.  You can set up a counseling session with them, and many companies offer this session for free in hopes you will choose them for their services.

Here are a few steps of the debt reduction/settlement process you can expect.

  1. Prepare a budget with the credit card help company.
  2. Determine the length of the program.  Usually debt settlements can last 2-4 years in order to accumulate savings for debt payoff.
  3. Stop making payments and start saving money. A trust/bank account will be set up and the money used to pay the creditors will be saved for the debt payoff at the end.
  4. Now the settlement company will handle all calls and contact by the creditor or collections agency.
  5. Finally, with your approval, a settlement will be made and the debt paid off.

Credit card debt settlements will negatively affect your credit because of missing the monthly payments.  Also the amount of debt you do not pay off will be considered taxable income by the government.  (Example: If you owed $10,000 and settled on $5,000, the difference of $5,000 will be taxed.)


Remember the main goal is getting out of debt.  The second goal should be staying out of debt.  Building new habits with credit cards is vital.  Each of these situations could escalate your credit card problem if you do not change the way you use credit cards.  Get out the scissors and good luck.

The 10 Unbreakable Laws of Money

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

One of the most popular wealth books today is The Secret. This book focuses on the Law of Attraction and how it is essential in gaining more wealth. However, there are some other universal laws of money aside from this. It is said that once these laws are known and abided, people will be on their way to great wealth. Below are the 10 Laws of Money:

1. Law of Attraction – This law states that whatever you constantly think about, will eventually become your reality. If you keep thinking about the mountain of debt you have to pay off, eventually you will find more and more debt coming your way. On the other hand, if you keep thinking of yourself as a money magnet, chances are you will find unexpected cash finding its way to you.

2.Law of Tithing – The Bible specifically said to give back 10% to God. Tithing is returning a portion back to the universe as a way of acknowledging what it has given to you.

3. Law of Giving - The principle behind this law is that the more money you give, the more will return to you.

4. Law of Polarity – The law of polarity brings to light the two sides of the coin. It states that it is impossible for us to appreciate the good things if we are not exposed to the bad things.

5. Law of Forgiveness – This law encourages a forgiving nature, giving peace of mind and attracting positive energies.

6. Law of Gestation - There is a time of sowing and a time of reaping. The things that we want may not manifest themselves immediately before us. However, this does not mean that it is not on its way. Perseverance and patience will ultimately reap its rewards in the long run.

7. Law of Abundance – Some people worry about not having enough money when in fact money is in abundance all over the world. When you think about gaining money, the opportunity is limitless.

8. Law of Rhythm – Those who end up losing their money don’t learn how to set aside for those moments when money will seemingly “evade” you. In fact, it is just on it’s way. That’s why it’s important to plan ahead for these times. The law of rhythm states that there will be times of ups and downs. It’s just a matter of being ready when the down times come.

9. Law of Cause and Effect - This law states that whatever you give, will also return to you. If you swindle your way to money, eventually you will lose it all as well.

10. Law of Circulation – Energy that keeps flowing is said to be positive energy while energy that is hindered turns into negative energy. Just like money, if it is kept in places where it cannot grow, this will eventually turn negative and hinder you from gaining more. This is why it is essential to keep money in circulation, not just by spending but by investing.

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