Mortgage rates are already at an all time low with the economy bringing the housing market down. This makes it the best time for home buyers and refinancers to avail of extremely low rates. Despite the nationwide decrease in housing loan rates, consumers should still be on the lookout for the best deals available.

Today, one of the nation’s best mortgage rates are being offered by Mortgage Capital Associates. Currently, they are offering a 3.875% rate on a 30-year fixed loan which is incredibly low as compared to the national average of 4.29%. Other rates from Mortgage Capital Associates is 3.250% for a 15 year mortgage and 2.75% for a 5/1 ARM.

Mortgage Capital Associates have been in business for 25 years and is one of the nation’s top 200 lenders. MCA has also been one of the first few lenders who used the Internet as a way of marketing the firm. They made it easy for consumers research mortgage rates and get the assistance that they needed. Today, MCA lives up to its mission by providing a quick quote feature on their website where only minimal information is needed for a quote to be obtained.

One of the best things about Mortgage Capital Associates is that it is currently operating and licensed in 38 states within America making themselves more available to their consumers.

To top it all off, it is possibly to apply for a loan online by simply filling up their online form. They also provide a number wherein you can call them anytime and they will have a customer representative assist you.

Mortgage Capital Associates surely beats other mortgage lenders in terms of rates. It also offers the usual online services that bigger lenders are offering. However, it is always best to keep researching for the right lender who can help make the loan or refinance process easy for you. Just make sure not to look too long since the current mortgage rates make it ideal to lock in now.

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