Flagstar CD RatesFlagstar Direct is offering some pretty competitive nation wide 6 month and 12 month CD Rates.

Flagstar CDs are FDIC insured and the rate will remain locked the entirety of the term.

Flagstar CD Rates:

  • 6 Month – 1.25% apy – $500 Minimum Deposit
  • 12 Month – 1.55% apy – $500 Minimum Deposit

Certain fees will be applied to your CD for early withdraw. Those fees are as follows:

  • 6 Months — A fee equal to 30 days of interest, whether the interest is earned or unearned.
  • 12 Months — A fee equal to 180 days of interest, whether the interest is earned or unearned.

Other important disclosures:

  • No additional funds after opening may be deposited before maturity.
  • You may withdraw interest any time during the term after the interest is credited to your account.
  • Visit Flagstar CD Rates page here for more information.

Why open a Certificate of Deposit?

When opening a CD with Flagstar, or other financial institutions, you are putting your money in a low-risk investment with a guaranteed competitive rate. Your money remains secure in a CD.  Placing your money in volatile investments or low interest savings accounts can be risky and less rewarding.  Investing in a CD is quick easy and you will always reap a reward.

Remember to check out our Best CD Rates Nationwide.

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