Want a credit card with no annual fee? Then you should apply for Republic Bank’s VISA credit card. Credit cards are a necessity for many people nowadays because it provides convenience as well as extra funds when you’re in a cash crunch. It’s even common to have not just one but two or three cards as long as you can afford it.
If there is one card that people should consider getting, its the VISA credit card by Republic Bank. This bank has excelled in providing the highest quality and level of banking standards. Its reputation is known all over the nation as one of the best. They offer services that would really help their clients very well like the credit cards they have, mortgages, loans, checking accounts, health savings, certificate of deposits, and a lot more. They do not just cater with personal banking but also with business and commercial finances.
VISA Credit Card
One of the best products they have is Republic Bank’s VISA credit card. This is a kind of credit card with no annual feit giving their account holders the luxury of not having to be charged at the end or start of the year. Aside from this, account holders can easily access their accounts on the internet and keep abreast with their billing statements. Clients are assured that their finances and other important information are safe and secured. And it has a feature that includes a 24 hour emergency cash and card replacement should you lose your card.
In terms of rates, the annual percentage rate on all purchases and cash advances is 8.45% but it can vary or change on a monthly basis depending on the Prime rate market. The dues to be paid for the card are at least 25 days prior to due date. This will be applied after closing of the billing cycle and the owner will not pay any interest on the purchases if he or she will be able to pay the entire amount or balanwit on or before the due date. With these features and rates, those who will have this credit card can really enjoy and take advantage of it.