Many people know Chase as a huge financial institution that has been providing the best banking services. They have been considered as one of the leading financial firms globally. Since people generally trust the bank’s name and reputation, many would often go to Chase when it comes to opening certificates of deposit.

The Regular Chase Certificate of Deposit

Chase actually has two kinds of certificate of deposit accounts. The regular account requires an opening and minimum deposit of $1,000. When the account holder chooses the 6 month term then the APY or the annual percentage yield is 0.20%. For the 12 month term, the APY is 0.25% and 0.35% for the 18 month term. On the other hand, those who will be choosing the 24 month term will have an APY of 0.40% and the last APY which is 0.50% is for the term of 36 months.

Chase Certificate of Deposit Specials

A maintaining and opening balance for this second kind is $10,000. Many may be hesitant about the amount but once they find out about the rates then they will surely change their minds. An APY or annual percentage yield of 0.30% for the 9 month term while for the 13 month term, the APY is 0.45%. The 36 month term or program will have an APY of 0.75% and 1.01% APY for the 60 month term. And the last term for this kind of certificate of deposit by Chase is 120 months with an APY of 1.75%.

These are then the terms or programs that people can choose or pick when they want to have certificate of deposit accounts for their lives and for their future.

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