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Archive for Long Term CD Rates

iGoBanking Gives Best 60 month CD at 2.25%

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

It seems that has awoken with some ridiculously high CD rates that trumps all other rates being offered by other banks. iGoBanking is currently holding the top rates for the 5 year CD category with a 2.25% APY. That’s not all, it also gives competitive rates for other CD term categories. Below are’s available rates for different term CDs. CD Rates

3 month CD – 0.15% APY
6 month CD – 0.15% APY
8 month CD – 0.15% APY
9 month CD – 0.15% APY
12 month CD – 0.15% APY
13 month CD – 0.15% APY
15 month CD – 0.15% APY
18 month CD – 0.15% APY
24 month CD – 1.25% APY
36 month CD – 1.70% APY
48 month CD – 1.00% APY
60 month CD -2.25% APY
7 year CD – 1.35% APY
10 year CD – 1.75% APY

How These Rates Compare

It is surprising how iGoBanking is offering the same rate starting from their 3 month CD all the way to their 18 month CD. Competitive rates only start from their 24 month, or 2 year CD. Right now, their 2 year CD at 1.25% is still lower than the highest nationally available which is from CIT Bank and AloStar Bank of Commerce at a 1.30% APY. However, leads the way in long term CDs such as their 3 year and 5 year CD which are the highest nationally available from banks.

The only other institutions that give out better long term rates are from credit unions. Melrose credit union is offering the 5 year CD at 2.68%, and the 3 year CD at 1.91%. Fairwinds Credit Union is also giving a 2.33% APY on a 5 year CD.

About iGoBanking

iGoBanking is the online arm of Flushing Savings Bank that allows consumers to make deposits and transactions easily through their personal computer. Flushing Savings Bank has been in business since 1929 and it is an FDIC insured institution, insuring savings to the maximum of $250,000 per account.

For those who are looking for places to park their money for the long term, these rates from iGoBanking are some of the highest nationally available among banks. Managing your accounts are also made easy since everything is done online.

Consistently High CD Rates from Melrose Credit Union

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

Credit unions, because of the way their system works, can usually offer their depositors higher interest rates and lower mortgage payments. One of the credit unions that consistently gives competitive rates is Melrose Credit Union. During the economic dip last August, Melrose Credit Union provided some of the best rates nationally available for certificates of deposit. Until today, the credit union still offers some aggressive rates.

Melrose Credit Union Certificate of Deposit Rates

1 year – 1.15% APY
2 year – 1.41% APY
3 year – 1.91% APY
4 year – 2.17% APY
5 year – 2.68% APY

How These Rates Compare

Melrose offers some of the highest long term CDs. The highest nationally available among banks for a 5 year CD is from at 2.25% APY. Despite this rate already being high, Melrose still tops it with a 2.68% APY rate. The same also rings true for a 3 year CD, the highest nationally available is still from at 1.70%, but Melrose gives it at 1.91%. Melrose also offers a higher 2 year CD than the bank’s highest at 1.30% from CIT Bank and Alostar Bank of Commerce.

About Melrose Credit Union

The credit union has been in service since 1922, and today it has grown to accommodate 20,000 customers with over $1 billion in deposits. Melrose Credit Union is the 10th largest credit union in the state of New York, and is the 99th largest credit union in the nation. It is federally insured under the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), to at least $250,000 per account by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA).


Despite having its roots in New York, Melrose Credit Union has an open state New York Charter meaning membership is open to anyone. Regardless of where you live or work, anyone can be a member to this credit union.

In order to be member, there is a $1.00 membership fee and a minimum deposit of $25.00. individuals must provide the following requirements: a valid photo id such as Driver’s License, proof of address, and social security number.

Melrose Credit Union has consistently given out great rates, and it doesn’t look like these good rates are going to end soon. And with open membership for all, anyone can avail of the potential earnings that Melrose CDs can offer.

Fed’s Meeting Could Drop Interest Rates

Friday, October 29th, 2010

The Fed meets this next week to decide how much they will buy of Treasury notes and other assets to help spur the US economy. The Fed is planning on taking action to help create momentum in the US economy and to promote growth. When people stop buying and selling and start saving, the economy slows and growth is minimal. Manufacturing slows when people stop buying products, which then causes people to become unemployed and the cycle of a recession continues. In a time period when home owners are losing their houses and jobs at record breaking numbers, its imperative for the Fed to act.

The goal: drive up the prices of long-term bonds, which pushes down yields. That, in turn, pulls down rates on mortgages and other loans, spurring consumers to buy homes and cars, and businesses to invest and hire workers as noted by Paul Davidson.

What does this have to do with interest rates? If the Fed buys up Bonds and other assets it will spur banks to start lending more of their cash. Both banks and corporations are sitting on loads of cash which can be used to lend to buyers and to create jobs. If banks are more willing to lend money, people will be able to buy houses, refinance their current one and buy other larger purchases such as car, all promoting growth. Interest rates will drop, mortgage rates will drop, making it easier for people to get into a house with a low payment. If people have more cash to spend, rather than save or put it into a house that’s about to go into foreclosure, then the buying of products and new merchandise can spur the economy into growth and lower unemployment.

It will take a few months to see how this decision will affect CD rates. If banks decide to lend out more money, the low interest they charge will keep CD rates low. A certificate of deposit is a loan to a bank which the bank then turns it around and lends it out to a customer with a small interest rate behind it. Whatever the bank earns, they turn that around and pay out a small portion to the lender. The reason why the Fed’s meeting November 3-4th is so important is because if they do end up buying billions of dollars worth of US Bonds, then the interest rates on everything will fall as well. Mortgage rates will decrease to further record lows, which is great for the borrower, but bad for the saver. Be sure to keep an eye on our CD rates board to see if rates begin to decrease or increase.

Bank Of America Cuts Long Term CD Rates

Saturday, July 31st, 2010

Bank of America dropped some of its certificate of deposits this past week to follow a trend of cutting rates.

Bank of America, out of Charlotte, N.C cut its rates on the following CDs.

  • 5 Year CD dropped by 0.50% to 1.75% from an average of 2.25%.
  • 4 Year CD rates dropped from 1.75% to an average of 1.45%.
  • 3 Year CD rates dropped to an average of 1.1% from 1.5%.

The falling rates not only on CDs but also on money-market rates are leaving people with fewer places to stash cash and actually make a decent return. Money Market rates have dropped to 0.75% nationally, not making it more attractive to investors. Nationally CD Rates are at all time lows with bank institutions. Credit Unions are popping to the top of the charts, offering the highest CD rates for just about any term.

When the Nation’s largest bank lowers their long term CD rates, this could signal that other banks will follow in their footsteps. Now might be the best time to get into a long term CD with a decent rate, before other banks follow the coming trend. Large banks can offer lower rates because they have other products that can grab the attention of new customers, such as many different types of checking account promotions.

For the average person looking to stash their cash for a short amount of time, the options are limited. Cal Brown, vice president of planning at the Monitor Group in McClean, VA is advising clients to put their extra cash into short term bond funds. Bonds are currently yielding more than 3%, much higher than some of the highest CD rates.