Any smart saver will know that interest rates make all the difference when it comes to saving your money. Not all of us are fond of risk which is why many of us choose to keep our money safe in a place that not only guarantees security, but also guarantees fixed returns. For those who want the best growth for their money but still with the assurance of security, one place to keep your hard earned cash will be at certificates of deposit. And where can you get a CD with great rates? One place would be First Citizen’s Bank.

First Citizen Bank was opened in 1898 with its headquarters in Raleigh, NC. The bank offers and provides complete financial services and products that do no only include certificate of deposits but also personal and business banking, insurance and investment services. First Citizen Bank is also one of the biggest controlled banks in the United States making them stand-out among other famous banking institutions. Since it is the biggest, it operates on more than 430 branches nationwide.

Certificate of Deposits

The rates they have right now are of the latest in the market which a lot of people who are interested can surely take advantage of. One choice for those who want to put their money on a CD is the 12 month term with an interest rate and an annual percentage yield or APY of 0.15%. Next is the 24 month CD with a rate and APY of 0.25%. And the last is the 36 month CD with an annual percentage yield and rate of 0.45%. The minimum amount to open a certificate of deposit account is $500 which will mean that almost anybody can simply open one. For those who are planning to do so, they should certainly do it now.