Got some extra cash to save? Instead of keeping it in your regular savings account, why not place it in an investment that offers bigger interest rates, but still with a fixed rate guarantee? If you’re looking for a place to put your money in a risk averse and secure area, why not place it in a certificate of deposit? The longer the term you choose, the higher your rate and return. One place to grow your money securely is at Presidential Online Bank’s certificates of deposit.
All About Presidential Online Bank
Presidential Online Bank started in October 6, 1995. This was established in order to facilitate the online banking needs of people all over the nation. As we all know, people find it very easy and convenient when they do their financial transactions on the internet because they can do it anytime of the day without having to spend time in transportation. This makes the Presidential Online Bank very effective with all the service financial products they offer like certificate of deposits, loans, savings, credit cards, and etc. Those who want to immediately open certificates of deposit can instantly do it in this bank.
Certificate of deposits come in different terms which people can choose. These terms vary thus people can choose whether they want shorter or longer periods. Choosing what is right for their money is very important because this will be the basis for the interest rate and the annual percentage yield. The shortest term offered by Presidential Online Bank is the 30 day period with a rate and annual percentage yield or APY of 0.25%. Next is the 182 days period with an APY and rate of 0.50% and then the one year CD term with an interest rate and APY of 0.75%. There is also the 2 year period with an APY and rate of 1.00%. And the longest term they have is the 5 year term with a rate of 1.49% and an annual percentage yield of 1.50%.
In conclusion, saving money through certificate of deposits will allow people to earn without having to lift a finger. Depositors can simply expect guaranteed returns upon the time of maturity.