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Archive for CD Rate

Highest CD Rates In Oklahoma City, OK – October 2009

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

Here is a list of the highest yielding CD (certificate of deposit) rates for the residents of Oklahoma City, OK. These CD rates will come in the form of the 6 month CDs, 12 month CDs and 24 month CDs. After going through several rate pages from local banks and credit unions serving Oklahoma City and most of Oklahoma, we have found that most rates are lower than the national average, you are better off finding national institutions than with local ones.

Keep in mind that CD rates are always changing and are time sensitive in nature, so be sure to check the date of this article for accuracy. You can always find the best national CD rates from our CD rates page.

How we came up with this list:

The highest CD rates are usually kept for the longer maturities and/or those with the highest minimum deposit and since we wanted to keep in mind that our average investor does not have loads of money stashed around, we wanted to give you more options with the best CD rates that we have found.

Highest 6 Month CD Rates In Oklahoma City, OK:

  • Sooner State Bank (The Village, OK) – 6 month CD yields 2.02% APY with a minimum deposit of $10,000.
  • Communications Federal Credit Union – 6 month CD yields 1.90% APY with a minimum deposit of $1,000.
  • WEOKIE Credit Union (Edmond, OK) – 6 month CD yields 1.87% APY with a minimum deposit of $1,000.

Highest 12 Month CD Rates In Oklahoma City, OK:

  • Midfirst Bank – a promotional 15 month CD yields 2.10% APY with a minimum deposit of $5,000.
  • Sooner State Bank – 12 month CD yields 2.07% APY with a minimum deposit of $10,000.
  • Oklahoma Employees Credit Union – 12 month CD yields 2.02% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.

Highest 24 Month CD Rates In Oklahoma City, OK:

  • Tinker Federal Credit Union (Bethany, OK) – 24 month CD yields 2.68% APY with a minimum deposit of $10,000.
  • Communications Federal Credit Union – 24 month CD yields 2.55% APY with a minimum deposit of $1,000.
  • Sooner State Bank’s – 24 month CD yields 2.53% APY with a minimum deposit of $1,000.

All of the above banks and credit unions are federally insured by either the FDIC or NCUA. Be sure to check with your bank to make sure they are still federally insured and do not give them your money if they are not. If you live in or around Oklahoma City, OK and know of better CD rates please let us know.

Highest CD Rates In Minneapolis, MN – October 2009

Monday, October 26th, 2009

These are the highest CD (certificate of deposit) rates for the residents of Minneapolis, Minnesota. These rates are in the form of 6 month CDs, 12 month CDs and 24 month CDs. After going through many rates from local banks and credit unions serving Minneapolis as well as the whole state of Minnesota, we found that you will find slightly higher rates from national institutions or online banks.

Remember that CD rates are ever changing, so the rates posted below may be out of date depending on the date of this article. Be sure to check out the most current CD rates from national banks.

As you may know, the longer the maturity date of a CD, the higher the interest rate you will find. Since we did not want to strictly list the highest yielding CDs, we have posted the best rates we have found for the specified time periods.

Highest 6 Month CD Rates In Minneapolis, MN:

  • People’s Bank of Commerce (Edina, MN) – promotional 7 month CD yields 1.90% APY with a minimum deposit of $5,000.
  • TruStone Financial – 6 month CD yields 1.86% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.
  • Union Bank and Trust – 6 month CD yields 1.76% APY with a minimum deposit of $10,000.

Highest 12 Month CD Rates In Minneapolis, MN:

  • TruStone Financial – 12 month CD yields 2.27% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.
  • HiWay Federal Credit Union (St. Paul, MN) – 12 month CD yields 2.10% APY with a minimum deposit of $10,000.
  • Vision Bank (Saint Louis Park, MN) – 12 month CD yields 2.07% APY with a minimum deposit of $1,000.

Highest 24 Month CD Rates In Minneapolis, MN:

  • Hudson City Savings Bank – 24 month CD yields 2.50% APY with a minimum deposit of $5,000. This is a national bank and can accept deposits from any state.
  • 1st Regents Bank (Blaine, MN) – 24 month CD yields 2.50% APY with a minimum deposit of $10,000.
  • HiWay Federal Credit Union – 24 month CD yields 2.50% APY with a minimum deposit of $5,000.

All of the above institutions are federally insured by the FDIC or NCUA. Be sure you make sure that the bank or credit union you deposit your month with is federally insured. If you live in or around Minneapolis, MN and know of better CD rates please let us know.

Highest 6 Month CD Rates At 1.76% – October 2009

Friday, October 23rd, 2009

We found the highest rates for a 6 month cd (certificate of deposit) sitting around 1.76% nationally, down roughly 0.05% from the previous week. The current national average for the 6 month CDs sits about 1.16% APY.

Ascencia Bank of Louisville Kentucky holds the current highest rate for any 6 month CD nationally at 1.76%. They are a nationwide bank and will accept deposits from any state. The minimum required deposit is $500 and your interest is compounded monthly.

Banks and Credit Unions sometimes offer promotional rates for odd maturity dates such as a 7 month CD, 13 month CD or 15 month CD. America’s Credit Union has two promotions going on with odd maturity dates. The first is a 7 month CD which pays 2.0% APY, with a minimum deposit of $500. The second promotion is a 13 month CD paying 2.15% APY with a minimum deposit of $500. These odd maturity dates usually have a higher interest rate than what is normally offered. If you know of any higher paying CDs or promotions going on that are noteworthy please send us a message.

Highest 12 Month CD Rates At 2.25% – October 2009

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

Highest 12 Month CD Rates – October 2009

The current highest 12 month CD rates (certificates of deposit) that are nationally available are currently paying up to 2.25% APY. Depending on where you live in the US, you might be able to find slightly higher interest rates than the national average.

The winner of the top 12 month CD rates currently goes to ING Direct at 2.25% APY. Most new CDs must be funded with new month to get the rate advertised. This is a way for the banks to get new money to lend or to create a cushion for their bank. New money is important to any bank and their financial well being. With their 12 month CD paying 2.25% APY, you will might be able to find local rates in your area higher than ING Direct’s CD rates. If you have an account with ING Direct and wish to transfer funds to this new CD, or if your current CD just matured you can still transfer money over and get a rate of 2.10% APY for the 12 month term.

The next best 1 year CD rate that is available nationally goes to UmbrellaBank which yields 2.06% APY. To get this rate you will need to deposit a minimum of $1,000, which is pretty low compared to some opening balances required for the higher paying CDs.

Discover Bank comes in 3rd with a rate of 2.0% APY on their 12 month CD and also they are throwing in a sign up cash bonus of $25.00. The minimum deposit to open this account is $2,500 and depending on how much you put in at first the sign up bonus could equal close to 1.0% more to the earnings of this 12 month CD.

If you know of other higher paying CD rates for October 2009 please let us know!

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keybank logoAnyone looking for a new bank may want to take a few minutes to check out KeyBank. Colorado is KeyBank’s first venture outside of the Northwest and Northeast (outside of Florida) and may be a sign of the bank looking to expand across the country. You can find a location near you by visiting their promotional page here.

To celebrate the expansion into Colorado, KeyBank is now offering a 16 month and 32 month CD special with rates of 1.75% and 2.75%. These rates are competitive to the highest cd rates of today, but the minimum deposit is $10,000, which is high compared to what is available. An example is, Discover Bank has a 2.35% rate on a 30 month CD with a minimum deposit of $2,500 and ING Direct’s 2.10% 12 month CD has no minimum deposit. These CD specials are also only available at the new Colorado branches only.

The best deal with KeyBank opening in Colorado is that they are giving out a $200 checking bonus to anyone who opens a new account at one of the new locations. You will not find the deal on its website, but can find a print ad that has been running in the Denver Post. To earn the $200 bonus all you need to do is open the account by 12/4/09 and make one debit card transaction and a combination of two direct deposits and/or automatic payments each of $100 or more by 2/5/10.

Best 24 Month CD Rates Stay At 2.50%

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

Over the past month the best 2 year cd rates have not change even though the average returns on a 24 month certificate of deposit plunged to record lows.

In September the top rates ranged from 2.50% APY to 2.40% APY, the same as in the new October ratings that have just been released.

Here are the best deals nationally on the 24 month CDs:

2.50 APY from Hudson City Savings Bank with a minimum deposit $5,000. If you live near one of their branches in New Jersey, New York or Connecticut your minimum deposit drops to $500.

2.50 APY from Frontier Bank with a minimum deposit of $50,000 for “Silver CDs” which has 50 branches in Washington and Oregon.


2.40% APY from Frontier Bank with a minimum deposit of $500.

2.40% APY from Equity Bank in Dallas Texas with a minimum deposit of $1,000.

Check out the best CD rates currently from dozens of other banks as rates change all of the time.

Highest CD Rates In Portland, Oregon – October 2009

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009

Here is a list of the best CD (certificate of deposit) rates to the residents of Portland, Oregon. We have posted the rates in the form of 6 month CDs, 12 month CDs and 24 month CDs. After going through many local banks and credit unions serving the city of Portland as well as most of Oregon we have found that rates provided within Portland may be slightly higher than the national averages.

CD rates are time sensitive in nature and are constantly changing, so be sure to check with the date of this article for accuracy. You can always check our CD Rates page for the most up to date CDs available nationwide.

How we came up with this information:

As it is known, the highest CD rates are available to the longer maturities and since we did not want to post the best CD rates, we wanted to give our readers options. Also some of the highest CD rates require much larger deposits, therefore we wanted these rates to be obtainable for the majority of our readers.

Highest 6 Month CD Rates In Portland, Oregon:

  • Providence Health System Federal Credit Union – 6 month CD yields (currently the highest 6 month CD rate) of 2.96% APY with a minimum deposit of $1,000.
  • Pacific West Bank (Lake Oswego, OR) – a promotional 7 month CD yields 1.75% APY with a minimum deposit of $5,000.
  • Frontier Bank – 6 month CD yields 1.65% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.

Highest 12 Month CD Rates In Portland, Oregon:

  • Pacific West Bank – a promotional 13 month CD yields 2.25% APY with a minimum deposit of $5,000.
  • Frontier Bank – 12 month CD yields 2.05% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.
  • HomeStreet Bank – 12 month CD yields 2.0% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.

Highest 24 Month CD Rates In Portland, Oregon:

  • Hudson City Savings Bank – 24 month CD yields 2.50% APY with a minimum deposit of $5,000. This is a national institution and will accept deposits nationwide.
  • Washington Federal Savings and Loan Association – 24 month CD yields 2.50% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.
  • Pacific Continental Bank (Vancouver, WA) – 24 month CD yields 2.47% APY with a minimum deposit of $1,000.

All of these banks and credit unions are federally insured by either the FDIC or the NCUA. Be sure to check the current status of these banks and credit unions and never deposit any money with a bank that is not federally insured. If you live in Portland Oregon or anywhere in the state of Oregon and know of better CD rates from your local bank, then please let us know.