Today the Dow dropped 634 points or down 5.55% to 10,809. This is the lowest the Dow has been since 2008 and comes after the week of the US debt ceiling hike and downgrade of the US debt from AAA to AA+ by S&P.
Today a few banks have already lowered their rates on short and long term certificates of deposits. The bright spot is, those banks were not offering any of the top CD rates, so who really cares or knows. The current list of the top CD rates has held steady… well so far. When you find a big gap between the first and second place holders of any CD rate, usually you will see a decrease coming from the top holder.
Here is an example of the top three leaders in each CD term starting with the 6 month CD rates. We added Melrose Credit Union to show how much higher their rates are, compared to normal bank rates, plus to get the Melrose Credit Union rate you have to become a member, which is open to everyone located anywhere in the US:
6 Month CDs
- AloStar Bank of Commerce – 1.05% APY
- AuroraBank – 1.04% APY
- Ascencia – 1.02% APY
12 Month CDs
- (Melrose Credit Union – 1.31% APY)
- AloStar Bank of Commerce – 1.27% APY
- E-Loan – 1.26% APY
- Sallie Mae – 1.20% APY
24 Month CDs
- (Melrose Credit Union – 1.56% APY)
- MainStreet Bank – 1.50% APY
- AuroraBank – 1.46% APY
- VirtualBank – 1.46% APY * (has the lowest rating of 1 out of 5 stars on bankrate)
36 Month CDs
- (Melrose Credit Union – 2.07% APY)
- MainStreet Bank – 2.00% APY
- Doral Bank – 1.80% APY
- AuroraBank – 1.75% APY
48 Month CDs
- MainStreet Bank – 2.50% APY
- (Melrose Credit Union – 2.32% APY)
- Transportation Alliance – 2.06% APY
- American Bank – 2.00% APY
60 Month CDs
- (Melrose Credit Union – 2.83% APY)
- MainStreet Bank – 2.60% APY
- First Internet Bank of Indiana – 2.40% APY
- Discover Bank – 2.35% APY
As you can see most banks are being competitive in the rates they offer. The biggest gaps in rates are between the 36 Month CD and the 48 Month CD, which could mean these rates will be adjusted at any time.
You can find MainStreet Bank’s CD here.
For all of our best CD rates, be sure to visit our CD Rates page.