One of the best ways for people to make large payments is through checking accounts. This makes personal and business transactions so much easier because the ability to exchange money is possible even without cash on hand. Checking accounts are very useful to individuals who often need to transact in big amounts which is why it is vital to get a good checking account from a stable bank and with extra features.

First Interstate Bank is one of the leading financial companies that offers good choices when it comes to checking accounts. Not all checking accounts from other banks offer interest, however the preferred checking account from First Interstate Bank offers just that. This is highly advantageous because this means your money will continue to grow even if its stored in a checking account.

Features of the Preferred Checking Account

Basically, the account earns interest with a rate which is subject to change whenever the financial market shifts or changes. There will be no service charge when the client is able to maintain a $1,500 minimum balance in the checking account or will have $5000 or more in total in any First Interstate account whether in checking, money market, CDs, and savings. If the client or account owner will not be able to maintain these balances then he will be liable to pay $13 for the monthly service charge.

A free VISA check card is also given to the account owner. Plus there will be no charges to ATM use as well as telephone banking. Online banking and bills payment is also available to account holders. Electronic statements and free checks will also be given regularly. For those who prefer different check styles, a $5 discount will be available.

Interested individuals can apply at any First Interstate Bank branch.

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