A credit card today is just as essential as cold cash. After all, credit cards allow you to make purchases while potentially earning more for yourself. It also allows for convenience in payment, as well as an extra line of credit when you’re in a minor cash crunch. With all the credit cards different financial institutions have to offer, it’s difficult to find one that suits you best. However, you may want to try getting a credit card with First Citizens Bank.
First Citizens Bank has almost 430 branches nationwide. Some of which are found in Arizona, Florida, Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, and West Virginia. These are just some of the branches that are booming because of the different services offered by the bank. Its main headquarters is located in Raleigh, NC of which it was established in the year 1898. Given its extensive history, the bank has further increased its assets making it one of the largest controlled family banks in the United States. Today, most of the services they offer involves personal and business banking, as well as investments and insurances.
The VISA Platinum Credit Card
Right now, a major service that they are offering is the VISA Platinum credit card. It is a premium card that has a high credit limit which is useful especially to those who constantly make large purchases. When owners will transfer a balance from another card, there will be no transaction fee. The APR or annual percentage rate on purchases is 10.15% and when the cards will be lost or stolen, immediate replacements will be given.
In conclusion, those who are interested with this card can simply apply at any First Citizens branch. They will really be satisfied once they will start using their own VISA Platinum credit card