Here is a list of the highest CD (certificate of deposit) rates to the residents of Columbus, Ohio and the surrounding state.

These cd rates will cover at least the following cities in Ohio: Grove City, Upper Arlington, Dublin, Westerville, Gahanna, Reynoldsburg, Newark and Lancaster. These CDs will be for the 6 month CDs, 12 month CDs and 24 month CDs. After going through the local community banks and credit unions serving Columbus and most of Ohio, we have found that you may be able to find slightly higher rates with national institutions than with local ones.

Always remember that CD rates are time-sensitive in nature and can change at a moment’s notice. Please refer to the date of this article for accuracy and to use it as a reference of what CD rates were at a specific date. To find the most accurate CD rates from national banks, view our CD rates page.

How Did We Come Up With This List?

As with any CD rate, the higher the rate the longer the maturity date and since we did not want to strictly list the longest maturities, since they will boast the highest rates, we decided to list the deposit rates which beat national averages by the highest margins.

Highest 6 Month CD Rates In Columbus, OH:

  • United Midwest Savings Bank – 6 Month CD yields 1.75% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.
  • Benchmark Bank (Gahanna, OH) – 6 Month CD yields 1.50% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.
  • Columbus First Bank (Worthington, OH) – 6 Month CD yields 1.50% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.

Highest 12 Month CD Rates In Columbus, OH:

  • United Midwest Savings Bank – 12 Month CD yields 2.30% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.
  • Benchmark Bank – 12 Month CD yields 2.05% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.
  • Columbus First Bank – 12 Month CD yields 2.05% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.

Highest 24 Month CD Rates In Columbus, OH:

  • First Community Bank (Columbus branch) – a promotional 27 month CD yields 2.50% APY with a minimum deposit of $5,000.
  • Hudson City Savings Bank – 24 month CD yields 2.50% APY with a minimum deposit of $5,000. (This is a national bank and will accept deposits from any state.)
  • KEMBA Financial Credit Union – 24 month CD yields 2.30% APY with a minimum deposit of $500.

All of the above institutions are federally insured by either the FDIC or NCUA. Be sure to check with the bank to make sure they are still federally insured before giving them your money. If you know of better rates in or around Columbus Ohio please let us know in the comments.

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